Personally Tailored Peels

You belong at our Wicker Park Med Spa

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels act as an exfoliant for the outer layers of the skin. When these external layers are removed (“peeled” off), they reveal healthier, more even skin beneath. Peels can impact a variety of skin depths and help a range of skin conditions. Request your consultation to meet with one of our aestheticians and learn which peel will bring out the best in your skin.

Types of Peels We Offer

  • Pigment Balancing Peel - This is a milder peel from Skinceuticals that is done as a series of 4 treatments. This peel is specifically developed to help lighten or eliminate excessive pigmentation caused by the sun, certain medications, or melasma, and also to improve spots caused by breakouts. A carefully chosen home care use of products will be recommended to enhance your series of treatments.

  • Medium-Grade Chemical Peel - This medium-depth peel is more robust and yields more pronounced results than the Pigment Balancing Peel. This peel is ideal for fine lines and wrinkles, discoloration, and overall anti-aging.

How to Prepare for Your Appointment

  • Tell your provider any medications you’re taking or medicated topicals you’re using - it may be beneficial to avoid topical anti-aging products prior to your peel.

  • Don’t exfoliate for at least 1 week prior to your peel to avoid excess irritation and potential damage to your skin.

  • Avoid sun exposure - wear a hat and/or sunblock when outside in the week prior to your peel.

  • Arrive at the office with your face washed and makeup-free. Avoid using makeup as much as possible in the few days before your treatment.

  • Hydrate the week before your peel to help keep your skin happy and healthy.

Peel Treatment Steps

Your treatment will vary depending on whether you are receiving a light or medium chemical peel. General steps include:

  1. Cleansing - removal of any dirt or other impurities from the outer layer of your skin

  2. Peel application - The peel solution is brushed onto your skin and left for several minutes. You may experience some mild stinging or burning sensations.

  3. Removal - The peel is then neutralized with a cool compress.

  4. For medium peels, the skin may turn red or brown in the following days. The peeling of the external skin layers typically begins within 2 days and lasts up to a week. Moisturize your skin well throughout and resist peeling the skin - it will flake away on its own once ready.

Before and After SkinCeuticals Chemical Peels

Before and after chemical peels

Before and after chemical peels

Before and after 3 chemical peels

Before and after 3 chemical peels

Chemical Peel FAQ

Who is a candidate for a chemical peel?

Ideal candidates want to:

  • Clear or improve active acne

  • Brighten the skin

  • Minimize pores

  • Even out overall complexion

  • Stimulate collagen

  • Lighten brown spots/patches

What is the healing process?

The typical healing process for a chemical peel is around three to five days. This is dependent on each individual’s body healing process. You will begin peeling starting on day three and then continue for two more days. Some patients have large pieces peeling off from the skin while others only experience minor peeling. The peeling process removes dead skin and regenerates fresh, healthy skin. You will see results within one week.

How often can you receive a chemical peel?

You may receive chemical peels every four to six weeks for the first two to three sessions. Depending on how many you need, you can then maintain your skin with a chemical peel once every six months. Talk to your aesthetician about what they recommend for you.

Book an Appointment
(773) 697-8316

1755 W North Ave. Suite 103
Chicago, IL 60622

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OR want to chat right away? Text us at ‭(773) 383-5162‬.

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