Expert Kybella Injections

You belong at our Wicker Park Med Spa


A double chin can be so frustrating. It can refuse to budge in spite of consistent exercise and healthy eating, changing your profile and marring your pictures. Kybella offers a direct approach. These injections improve submental fullness (fat below the chin), and it doesn’t return.

Submental fullness can occur in bodies of all ages, shapes and sizes, and bothers more people than you might realize. A 2015 survey by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery found that 67% of respondents said that they dislike the area beneath their chin. They also indicated that they were just as bothered by a double chin as they were by lines and wrinkles around their eyes.

Our cosmetic injector, Dr. Amjad Alkadri, is an expert in anti-aging and has been providing his patients with predictable, natural-looking results for many years.

How to Prepare for Your Appointment

At your consultation, Dr. Alkadri will provide any precautions or notes for you to follow leading up to your injection. These may include –

  • Avoid alcohol for 24 hours before your appointment

  • Don’t take painkillers in advance, as these can make you more likely to bruise due to blood thinning effects.

  • Tell your provider any medications you’re taking - it may be beneficial to avoid topical anti-aging products.

  • Avoid waxing, bleaching, tweezing or using hair-removal cream under the chin.

  • Arrive at the office with your face washed and makeup-free.

Kybella Treatment Steps

  • Consultation – Your doctor will examine your submental fullness and determine how many sessions may be ideal. You may elect to add more sessions after seeing initial results for further fat removal. You’ll also be able to ask any questions you have about treatment and receive detailed answers before moving forward.

  • Facial marking – Your provider will examine your face, clean it and mark the injection sites to plan their approach. They may also numb the injection area to help prevent discomfort.

  • Injections – Your doctor will inject the appropriate areas with a very thin needle.

  • Treatment will typically take about 15-20 minutes.

  • There is often some swelling after treatment, but this can be managed with ice.

  • Patients typically see ideal results with 2-6 treatment sessions total, each spaced at least a month apart.

Before and After Kybella

Before and after Kybella

Before and after Kybella

Before and after Kybella

Before and after Kybella

Kybella FAQ

Is Kybella right for me?

Kybella is appropriate if you are bothered by fat under the chin - if it makes you feel frustrated, embarrassed, or uncomfortable when you look in the mirror or look at your face in pictures. It will also help you take action if you’ve already tried eating well and exercising, but aren’t seeing a change to your chin.

Kybella will improve a variety of double chins - yours does not need to be particularly pronounced to benefit. Kybella also offers a solution without surgery.

Will the treated fat come back?

Kybella destroys the treated fat cells. Those cells are no longer able to store fat, so they cannot grow in size again.

Do Kybella injections hurt?

You may experience some discomfort during your injections, but this will not be significant. After treatment, you may experience swelling and minor bruising at the treatment site. You can use ice packs and take over the counter pain medication to manage this in the days after your sessions.

How long until I see results?

Most Kybella clients see marked improvement after two sessions, which are typically 4-6 weeks apart.

How many injections and appointments will I need?

Your provider will establish a treatment plan based on your chin. Each treatment consists of several small injections below the chin. Patients will typically need anywhere from 2-6 sessions - more sessions will yield additional results. These sessions should each be spaced at least one month apart.

Book an Appointment
(773) 697-8316

1755 W North Ave. Suite 103
Chicago, IL 60622

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OR want to chat right away? Text us at ‭(773) 383-5162‬.

Love your look on the outside, feel like yourself on the inside.